• video_forest
  • newslide2014_1
    Development of prescriptive AnalYtics baseD on aRtificial intElligence for iAMS
  • newslide2014_1
    IAMS - Intelligent Asset Management Systems
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    We put Artificial Intelligence at work for Railways
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    Make your (Day)Dreams a reality


The overall DAYDREAMS objective is to move forward the integration and use of data and artificial/human trustworthy intelligence together with context-driven HMI for prescriptive Intelligent Asset Management Systems (IAMS) in railway by (i) advancing in maintenance approach towards prescriptive asset management, (ii) improving the decision-making process by developing multi-objective decision optimisation approaches taking into account all implications of IAMS decisions in the railway environment, and (iii) reinforcing the role of the person-in-the-loop by designing and developing advanced context-driven HMIs to allow context- and risk-aware multiple-options decision-making processes.



Project developments showcased during final conference!

DAYDREAMS held its final conference on the 24 May 2023 in Brussels. The conference featured an analysis of the four different scenarios that were tackled throughout the life of DAYDREAMS, as well as a demonstration of the IAMS prototype that has been developed. The day concluded with some remarks on the way forward for exploitation. Click

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Register now for the DAYDREAMS Final Conference!

Click HERE to register for the DAYDREAMS final conference that will take place in Brussels on the 24th May 2023. Mark the date in your calendars and come meet us in Brussels to discuss about the results achieved through the research activities performed by the ...

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Check out these videos to get a glimpse of the DAYDREAMS scenarios!

Click HERE to learn more about the scenario on “Monitoring of track geometry and location of rail defects”. Click HERE to learn more about the scenario on "Management of Track Circuits in a Metro Environment”. Click 

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